Sunday 28 December 2014

Fabric PC :)

 Imagine walking to school or work with a brand-new type of laptop computer in hand. You walk casually, swinging the laptop back and forth between your arms, which is easy, since it weighs well under one pound (0.45 kg) and isn't much thicker than a checkbook. Although it has no carrying case, you hardly blink after dropping it onto the concrete sidewalk. Instead you pick it up, dust it off, and continue on your way. When you arrive at your desk, you toss the laptop down on the table and open it up. The screen immediately unfolds, spreading out into an enormous display!
While this scenario sounds very futuristic, it actually isn't that far from reality, thanks in part to a concept design called a Fabric PC (personal Computer), produced by Fujistu, Inc.
 Amazingly, a Fabric PC won't be encased within a tough metal shell like the PCs that have been around up to this point. Instead, it will be built into a tough but pliable fabric frame. Even the screen will able to bend and fold and will have a thickness and flexibility similar to a laminated sheet of paper.
Experts say it will be available in 2 to 10 years.

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